Mono Lake & Bodie Workshop Recap

September 22, 2015  •  2 Comments

Silkstone-150906_0174-HDR_217Silkstone-150906_0174-HDR_217Sunrise at South tufa area of Mono Lake

Tufas at Sunrise, Mono Lake

Mono Lake, California, is a unique landscape created by the formation of tufas and a drop in lake level.  The tufas were formed when carbonate in the "salt" lake mixed with calcium from underground springs creating limestone formations.  When the lake level dropped in the 1940's due to a water diversion program, the tufas were exposed.  The South Tufa area seen in these two pictures have some of the largest tufas on the lake.  

Silkstone-150903_0160_227Silkstone-150903_0160_227Sunrise on Mono Lake, CA Sunrise at South Tufa on Mono Lake, CA

The workshop also provided "full" access to Bodie, a ghost town located about 45 minutes from Mono Lake.  We were allowed to stay in the park after dark and also return for sunrise the next morning (normal operating hours are 9-6 pm).  This opportunity allowed us to photograph the stars over the town along with shooting sunrise.  We also had full access to all the buildings to photograph areas of the park most people are never allowed to see.  

Silkstone-150905_0272_220Silkstone-150905_0272_220Star trails over church at Bodie Star Trails over Bodie, CA

Silkstone-150904_0114Silkstone-150904_0114Old wheel at Bodie State Historical Park Shadows near Sunset at Bodie, Ca

Silkstone-150905_0245Silkstone-150905_0245Bodie Hotel, Bodie, CA

Hotel room at the Bodie Hotel, Bodie, Ca

As always the days were long but the views and experience were well worth it.  For more of my images from this workshop click here.  If interested in other workshops by Jennifer King Photography just click here to check out all the wonderful places already listed for 2016.


John Holder(non-registered)
Jeff, There aren't enough words to describe how good this
pics are. You were fortunate to be able to go to those
places. You know how it goes, location, location & more
location. Best to you.
Bet Wilson(non-registered)
Jeff, as always, your work is stunning! I never tire of your images!
No comments posted.
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